APPLES in the News

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    Kristin Joivell

    The local paper from Huntingdon, PA published an article about the projects I’ll be doing this year at Juniata Valley School District for APPLES!  As you can see in the article, the time lapse camera is mounted in a tree on our school campus to take daily photos of the changes occurring in a sugar maple tree (Acer saccharum).  For the plant phenology project, I reserved a spot in the school’s raised garden beds for the ambient plot and the warmed plot.  As a culminating project for all the data collected through these projects, the students involved will present their findings at a Family Science Night on May 10, 2017.Daily News Article

    Kristin Joivell

    Family Science Night was in May 2018!  I showcased the work conducted over the 2 school years from our JV Phenology Project for over 150 attendees.  The local newspaper wrote a wrap up article to conclude as well.

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