Warming Chamber on Temporary Site Until Permanent Site is Approved in January 2017.

The warming Chamber was set up outside next to Northwestern High School. This is a temporary study site that is observable from inside the school. The pilot lab, which measures temperatures in and out of the chamber, has begun. We can simply slide the window open and measure the temperature inside and out of the chamber. Although it seems silly to place the chamber so close to the school, the purpose is to involve and educate many students so that the importance and knowledge warming chamber can spread among the student body.
Deciduous Tree Spectroscopy Lab
Weekly during October and November, the deciduous leaves in the forest area on the school grounds change bright red, orange, and yellow. Chemistry 2 students ventured outside to select a tree that they would like to observe. Weekly, students collect a representative leaf from their chosen tree. The leaves are labeled and stored in the freezer for a Spect 20 pigment analysis lab that will occur in February 2017.

<p style=”text-align: center;”>Above: This year’s leaves pulled from the freezer for a photograph.</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>Below: A look at the progression of change in collected samples.</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>Once the spects are ran by the students, I’ll post a few more pictures.</p>
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<p style=”text-align: center;”>Next year well use the time-lapse camera and analyze the images using imageJ software.</p>
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